Jen just got her dress from for white night and its questionably too short to go sans panties. We are looking for input on what others do. she doesn't want to be "that girl". Sitting down would be a putting it all out there situation... tell her no body gives a shit
Ashley has a dress that is likely the same length if not "worse". You girls can go commando together. Lol no worries guys. "No one knows you. No one gives a shit" right? Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
My wife had short dresses for every theme night and she did not wear panties. No one is sitting there staring at her who ha.
Yea most of my dresses are pretty sort.. And I'm. Not packing a single pair of panties.. Who needs them more then likely I will probably flash a few people while there. Meh
Coincidence Wife and I had same discussion last night, while she was pre packing. So glad I will be able to show her this thread.
you guys will have to hang with us Friday night and talk her into losing them after a couple of tequila shots. I know how she is and right now as she sits here sober in her scrubs straight from work shes all " I'll get seamless panties I don't want my monkey hangin out" but I know once shes around fun people and "all the cool kids are doin it" she'll doff the panties #whoop whoop
Oh lord! I can't do it!!!! I don't think I can go commando! And most of my "dresses" are also quite short. And all of my lingerie involves little skirts and I just don't know about having my booty hanging out, let alone my who-ha! Especially not with the dance moves I tend to bust out! I don't/can't do thongs either. Craptastic! I might have to go commando at least a few times. For fuck's sake, I'm gonna have a stroke! lol --After thought - the little boy short things I bought to wear under <--- NSG outfit pictured were a PAIN so definitely NOT wearing those effing things again!! I'm going to have to try everything on again tonight and see what I think about my a$$ and the probability of my who-ha peeking out too much -- maybe we'll take pictures :icon_wink: Or maybe I'll just die in my own bedroom of advanced stroke! --
I love my woman. and myI think we are going to love this resort! Sounds like some laid back folks! My kind of people Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk