I read somewhere that some couple took small digital cameras and swapped them for the trip to TTR. The cameras were returned when the people left but they couldn't view the pics until they left the resort. Kind of The Hangover type stuff. That might be a fun idea. Anyone going to be there Apr 30th - May 4th want to do this? :daveandmo:
95% of cameras use standard SD cards, no need to swap cameras, just bring an extra SD card, that way if it goes missing or dropped there no hard feelings. Sounds like fun I like to pick up unattended cameras and do silly /naughty shots with out the owner knowing till they look later .
If we end up bringing a camera, we'll do an SD swap for a day or two somewhere in the 1-4th We just aren't sure if our camera is worth bringing. It's kind of slow and kills batteries like no bodies business.
** temporary thread drift ** This is somewhat related to your surprise pics on people's camera's. Yesterday I, Mr SkiBum, was scrolling through old text messages looking for one I sent over a month ago. Among the list of names of contacts as I scrolled down I saw a phone number that I didn't recognize, from out of our area code too, and that there was an attachment with the text sent from that number. I opened it and had three immediate responses: 1/ That's quite a nice Tigger tattoo on that ladies hip, 2/ There are a lot of booze bottles in the background, and 3/ How the hell did this end up on my phone? I don't have a clue who sent this and don't recall seeing it before now. When I checked the send date and time, March 9 12:30am, my memory started shaking off the fuzzies from a night of partying one month ago. A vague recollection came back of seeing Ms SkiBum taking a photo of one of her friends among a crowd of women guarding wine in the kitchen. It was a fun night! ** OK, back to the regularly scheduled programming **
That's a dangerous game unless you like getting your camera/card back with a bunch of pics of drunk dudes nuts and buttholes. That's invariably a funny though with lots of booze on board and someone elses camera.
thats what you get for exchanging SD cards with the bachelor party sitting in the reserved sexy pool loungers with their telephoto cameras. Can you tell some one is bored ?