Sounds like the resort is going to be about 1/4-1/3 full with people escaping their "prison" sentence of kids at home! No wonder it gets so crazy! lol I sent that adoption cartoon to like 10 people yesterday and offered my kids to my cousins that want to have kids/more kids. lol I am REALLY READY for this vacation and 5 days is NOT going to be enough!!!! And my mom just got a 10% raise at her job so I can feel my hope of her retiring any time soon dwindling. Though, at least when she does retire, she'll have some money lol Maybe she'll pay for me and Rome to take our TTR trips! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! I really need this vacation. Oh. Wait. I said that already. THREE WEEKS BEETCHES!!!!!!!! And is it sad that, as usual, Rome and I have pretty much forgotten the fact that our anniversary is actually coming, even though I bring it up on a regular basis on here? I think that's why I keep bringing it up. So that hopefully SOMEONE at TTR actually reminds us. Pretty sure we have forgotten EVERY year. At the very least, I'll remember when I go to put on my white dress for dinner that night lol Though, it's so slutty, the reason behind the white may escape me. lol
It's after reading exchanges like this that I think back that our decision no to have kids looks better and better! Vita... where does your mom work that she got a 10% raise???? I may need to change careers! Jamie
Has your mom ever thought of adopting ? cwins: I only come with a wife 10 grandkids and a few dozen party animal friends !! :ernaehrung015:
So I just realized I forgot how old I am. I saw my age as 37 on a medical form at the doctor the other day and thought "huh. They must round up as soon as it's a new year." Literally JUST dawned on me, "No, dip shit. You ARE 37. You are going to BE 38." Lord. Just more evidence.
Yes, Jamie, yes it was a lovely decision! And she works for a resort company and was brought on to a position well below her skill level so they are trying to make up for it. She was making VERY close to 6-figures in NJ before she move to AZ 12 years ago. Then worked her way up to around $50k out there then moved back to east coast. She got the current job for like $10 per/hour :icon_eek: She's now up to like $45k, been there like 4 years I think?? So still not making tons of money but if she stays another several years and they keep giving her 10% raises, that wouldn't be too shabby!!
We had 5 in diapers at one point - I promise, it ends (when you're in it though it doesn't feel like it will ever end!). The youngest is going to be 10 next month. We are heading down for our third trip May 16-23 and can't wait! The winter has been horrible and while the sun is shining today, it still isn't Temptation! We always meet the best people and can't wait to meet more!
Ok, I stopped reading after "We had 5." I am exhausted just thinking about having 5 kids. My only will be 22 in May and I found a great sitter - the USMC.
I forgot to stop......had two of my own ,adopted three and fostered over 200 in 18 years.i so deserve this two week break!!
I like to give it 4 weeks until I leave to really heal, but I will tan a few times after the 2 weeks period.. you need to start getting tattoo's earlier so you don't have to worry.