Hey, my husband and I will be there in less than 4 weeks and I'm wondering if everyone on here has gotten vaccinations before travelling to Mexico or have some of you survived fine without them? The ones that they highly recommend, at least where I live, are Hepatitis A and Influenza. I don't know if we can get into a clinic in time to get the shots and now I'm starting to panic! Thanks in advance for your answers!!
Ummmm i would like to point out that many people with Hepatitis go undiagnosed because the disease is mistaken for the flu or because there are no real symptoms of contracting the disease really. Sooooo all the individuals who say they don't have hepatitis can't really be sure unless they have been tested for it. Sooo yeah your life, your choice. best of luck!
I just looked again and you guys are in Alberta like us. Lol this is not an issue. Go to a mediclinic or go to your doc a week or so before you go. Tell em you need to have a twinrix vaccination (it vaccinates for both A and B). He will give you a script for it, you go to the pharmacy and grab it. Think its 30 bucks if that for it. You then go back to the clinic if they know your coming back one of the nurses will inject it for you. You then will be good for a month. Then have to come back take another dose. Then in 6months you take another dose and are vaccinated for life. No big deal. Ash is going to do the same.
Full seroconversion (to be fully protected) takes about a month. Getting an immunization shot a week before going does nothing for you.
you need 2 months for twinrex 1 shot a month then 3rd shot in 6 months afterwards. buy ductrol? one dose now and one 2 weeks before arrival. Helps with travelers diareha? bring imodium also. some people get travelers diareha often Because of eating different foods from normal
Actually to be fully vaccinated would require a year so you could be immune for life. There are two regular schedules that are used often like i mentioned. The first being take first shot then take a booster a month later. Then take the last shot 6 month later. There is the second schedule that is "rapid" that requires 4 shots. The first. Then a week later another. Then 2 weeks later after that and then the final shot to be taken after a year. As for getting a shot a week before going doing nothing well that may be true. The doctors who i talked to may have been mistaken, or i may have heard em wrong.