Talked the husband into the 7th!!!! Told him it would be one of our greatest regrets if we didn't do a Boobs Cruise. SO LETS MAKE IT EPIC (I like to keep it to standard that I am always right :wink3: )
Alice and I are in for the Boobs Cruise on the 3rd! We'll be at TTR from May 1st to the 8th, second time, I expect it'll be even better than the first! If you see us, chat us up, I'm pretty shy until I'm half in the bag. edit:ah, I see Alice already announced us pages back. I r slow. But I've got a gallery.
Gonna be scraping this one off the sidewalk on the 3rd. That said, who's down for a birthday party? :daveandmo:
Please reconsider for the 3rd most of the gang is going on the 3rd... Please you guys sound like fun!!!
We are now T-39 days and counting. See you all in just over a month :aktion069: We have a last minute shopping trip planned before Temptation. I may over do it a tad with new outfits :icon_mrgreen:
Thinking of Taking a golf cart tour of the island anyone interested in going with us? Maybe during the day on the 4th after the May 3rd Boobs Cruise. time to recover from the cruise and paty o's.