Only 3 more work days till we arrive at 8:55 am on the 5th....Our first trip to TTR cannot get here soon enough!!
7 days i'll be dacing at the patyo left 6 days and 9 hours and 16 min before departure Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
9 days until Jess_2703 saves the wife and myself a chair beside the sexy pool for when we arrive on the 10th! :biggrinbandit:
For those of you leaving right away I am making it easier for you to find this list. Print it or write it down so you know the themes for which days. Resort themes are in red Cancuncare are in black April 1 Naughty School Girl/kilt or nerd Night. April 2 Sexy Black Dress/Fetish April 3 lingerie Night (resort theme) April 4 White (Resort Theme)/ Glow Night- (bring your)glow stuff April 5 Red Night and Foam Night(resort theme) Boobs Cruise. April 6 White Men's Dress Shirt Night. (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 7 911 Night Naughty Nurse/Cops/ Fireman/Emergency workers. April 8 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night Boobs Cruise April 9 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 10 lingerie Night(resort theme) April 11 White( Resort Theme)/Glow Night bring your glow stuff. Boobs Cruise April 12 Red Night and Foam Night (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts April 13 White Men's Dress Shirt Night (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 14 911 - Naughty nurse/Cop/Fireman/Emergency worker. Boobs Cruise April 15 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night. April 16 Sexy Black Dress Night/ Fetish April 17 lingerie Night(resort theme) April 18 White (Resort Theme )Boobs Cruise Night/Glow bring your glow stuff. April 19 Red Night and Foam (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts. April 20 Easter Bunny Rave Night Boobs Crusie Bring your best bunny outfit (resort theme) April 21 White Men's Dress Shirt Night- Ladies in the shirts/no pants. April 22 Sexy School Girl Night Boobs Cruise April 23 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 24 Lingerie Night (resort theme) Boobs Cruise April 25 White Night (Resort Theme)/Glow CCC bring your glow stuff April 26 Red Night and Foam Night red dress/ red men's shirts. Boobs Cruise April 27 Animal Hunter/Hunted- animal print anything. April 28 Rave Night- fluffies,skirts sets, tutus, color,LED shirts, LED glasses Boobs Cruise April 29 Sexy School Girl Night/Kilt or Nerd. April 30 White Dress Shirt (one button rule) Ladies in the shirts/No pants. Boobs Cruise Boob crusie and Foam Nights added to the list.
Can't wait 20 days left, soon is easter over I m done here, I m at TTR. And don't care about anything. That been said we booked for October 24th already, Halloween we r coming
By this time next week we will have been at the resort for about 9 hours. Should be well on our way to where ever land!! Can't wait
Lol I don't even take chair for myself they are useless! But if you want to throw your stuff with mine you're welcome Under someone chair haha Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk