Resort themes are in red Cancuncare are in black April 1 Naughty School Girl/kilt or nerd Night. April 2 Sexy Black Dress/Fetish April 3 lingerie Night (resort theme) April 4 White (Resort Theme)/ Glow Night- (bring your)glow stuff April 5 Red Night and Foam Night(resort theme) Boobs Cruise. April 6 White Men's Dress Shirt Night. (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 7 911 Night Naughty Nurse/Cops/ Fireman/Emergency workers. April 8 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night Boobs Cruise April 9 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 10 lingerie Night(resort theme) April 11 White( Resort Theme)/Glow Night bring your glow stuff. Boobs Cruise April 12 Red Night and Foam Night (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts April 13 White Men's Dress Shirt Night (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 14 911 - Naughty nurse/Cop/Fireman/Emergency worker. Boobs Cruise April 15 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night. April 16 Sexy Black Dress Night/ Fetish April 17 lingerie Night(resort theme)Boobs Cruise April 18 White (Resort Theme ) Night/Glow bring your glow stuff. April 19 Red Night and Foam (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts. April 20 Easter Bunny Rave Night Boobs Crusie Bring your best bunny outfit (resort theme) April 21 White Men's Dress Shirt Night- Ladies in the shirts/no pants. April 22 Sexy School Girl Night Boobs Cruise April 23 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 24 Lingerie Night (resort theme) Boobs Cruise April 25 White Night (Resort Theme)/Glow CCC bring your glow stuff April 26 Red Night and Foam Night red dress/ red men's shirts. Boobs Cruise April 27 Animal Hunter/Hunted- animal print anything. April 28 Rave Night- fluffies,skirts sets, tutus, color,LED shirts, LED glasses Boobs Cruise April 29 Sexy School Girl Night/Kilt or Nerd. April 30 White Dress Shirt (one button rule) Ladies in the shirts/No pants. Boobs Cruise Boob crusie and Foam Nights added to the list.
22 days......this vacation is sooooo needed. Between the worst Canadian winter I can remember and the kids, I dont know if I can make it
Hey everyone a feet off snow later and snowband of 3Ft I'm supper dupper happy to let you know only a week left I remember when my countdown was at 89 days!! That went fast Plus we have a friend that suppose to come on the 10, isn't on ccc tho )))) Can't wait Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Finally down to the teens in days left and about time, it snowed all day yesterday. This morning woke up to light snow and -13C with a windchill of -22C. It's supposed to be +8C on average. What a horrible winter this year.