Okay guys - Trina wants to know what the Heaven and Hell theme night is and what to buy. I don't care cause I am sure it will be hot either way. Derrick
Any tips for someone who gets seasick? The last time I went on a catamaran a few years ago it didn't end well Can't possibly miss the cruise! How far in advance does Steve usually post the dates? I have a feeling this May one is gonna sell out right away! Andy & Laura May 15th - 22nd P.S. Can someone post the theme nights for our week? We only have uniform night taken care of so far!
We wanna be in the race too. Just got great news we were able to extended our vacation by 1 day. So we will be arriving on the 22 rather than the 23rd. So we are in this race. :huepfen021:
I read somewhere on here about seasick meds . Check out the first page on the May roll call for all the theme nights ! Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
Marlena uses these, and they work for her. Worth a try, they're pretty cheap. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001F731N0/?tag=cancuncare-20