90% wear board shorts ( standard suits) and the rest is mostly square cuts. Very few thongs or small speedo,s Some will wear hammocks as a joke or part of some ritual. there is the odd Sasquatch, but hey it is an international mix of people and hair is ok in some other cultures.
Well, the Sasquatch part I can accept, but why call me "odd"? Seriously, I imagine that if I didn't do the trimmer deal the zoo would send a capture crew out, but shaving isn't in the cards.
Ali uses a depilatory cream on my back before we go so that Jane Gooddall doesn't show up with a camera crew and I trim in a few areas like shoulders and upper arms but I leave the chest hair alone as Ali likes it and she trumps changing societal acceptance lol Remember when male chest hair was a sign of manliness and virility? Maybe I'm just dating myself. Silverbacks unite!!!
I read that you can mix iodine and baby oil rub it on the hairy spot and let it set for five mins. then wipe the hair off with a wet washcloth !! Haven't tried it and worried I would be orange afterwards Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk
S doesn't know this but we are trying the sugaring this weekend on his back to see how that works, not liking the iodine idea, I think he would be orange from it. Will let all know how it works out. 60 days to go before we are sitting in the sexy pool!!!!:flash::daveandmo:
Yeah not sure I want to be the test dummy on this one ! Might try it out on Marie while she sleeps ;-) !!!! Rub and run !!! Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk