So I've sort of had a long break from diet and exercise - truthfully not put in much effort since early Feb. Mad at myself for letting things slide, but at least I'm back on track before I did too much damage weight-wise. I caught my reflection in the mirror yesterday and knew I had to kickstart this healthy living lifestyle. Weather warming up and start of spring is motivating me to do more and eat less.
hey thanks party doll, yep its a long road but well worth traveling! kinda stalled out for awhile but heres to being persistant!
That dam mirror can get you every time.. that's what got me going. But it was a glance I wasn't poising.. I stand in front of the mirror everyday and well you know you suck it in blah blah.. but I seen something I'd never noticed before and it made me feel awful.. so I've been working at it ever since... good luck and welcome back to the challenge..
well I for one think mirrors are evil!! I think they should be outlawed!! Welllll, ok, there are the people of walmart, so I guess we had better keep them. eating my apple and smiling knkowing that those sexy clothes are just around the corner!
Down 5.5 lbs today...........I am pretty happy with that since it's really on been three weeks since I got super motivated. Before that I was hmmmmm yep on a diet unless I didn't feel like it. I am planning to pull out two or three lbs this week. This girl needs to disappear. I kinda like the mirror cause hell it doesn't lie to me.
you guys are doing great.. I am a lost cause this year. I'm still sick.. have a good day here and there and think..oh good.. I am gonna workout later.. then later comes and I'm nauseous again and my head is pounding and i just don't feel good.. Shingles are gone if it even was shingles.. I still have the flu like symptom that i had when they said it was shingles. its been going on a month.. i guess you could say I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.. have a few test coming up.. hopefully!! it will tell me something . PS.. why couldn't it be something that makes me lose weight.. if I have to be sick why cant it be in my favor..haha!
be careful what you wish. usually the weight loss from being sick means very advanced. you will get healthy and lose what you want. too bad we just couldn't wish real hard and wake up with it gone. I have a hard time at work because they are always cooking breakfast and lunch every day. I have to smell it all day. but it is getting easier. don't know why but fish stick day I know I will go mad!!!
yeah, I know I'm just frustrated. I'm pretty sure it isn't anything serious. I do know what you mean tho about the food at work.. we have pizza lunch for our employees birthdays and I do the ordering and set up and clean up and so
stuck at the same weight still!! annoying as hell. I know, I know, it will happen but crap I was on a roll!! its the spot I want it gone most too!! I think my blub has found a home and its fighting for permanent residency.
Write down everything you eat and drink and fine tune always works for me. Add weight lifting too.