Just got the resort email that beginning this month, Mondays are now Tempting Brazilian Night and the dress code is Golden and Brazilian Green. First, my vote is we keep the theme nights the way they are since we locked them in and people have already been shopping and making purchases. Second, I wonder how long this will last. Could it be coinciding with the World Cup in Brazil this Summer? If it stays around, then maybe we can go along with it in 2015, but I think we should stick with what we've got.
We are the June Junkies. At this point we aren't changing anything!! If you want to incorporate gold and green in your outfit, that is fine!!!! Can't wait to get back to the world of INTERNET!! Dawn
I was just thinking that it would be a good time to begin putting out some ideas on a June Junkies T-shirt. We shouldn't be placing the entire design burden on Steve, especially if we want a design that is unique to our group. I believe we should think in terms of a 2 color silk screen with a logo or motto. The website says that they have "10,000 pieces of clip art and more than 50 fonts" so it shouldn't be too difficult. I was thinking something along the lines of "June Junkies-Repeat Offenders-2014" with some sort of simple graphic. Here is a link to the April T-shirt info: April Addicts Temptation 2014 | Teespring Any thoughts?
It's getting closer Kim is starting to try on outfits . I love this part of the trip, this well take weeks leading up to just before take off. At lest I hope .....
OK, here are my thoughts about the T-shirt: 1) Where April's looks like it is stamped with "Caution", ours could be stamped "Repeat Offender" in Yellow. 2) I would use the same "icon" format as April, but on the bottom row, instead of the boobs, replace them with a 'Cancer ribbon' on one side, the 'sun' remains in the middle and the Texas 'Lone Star' on the other side. I have nothing against boobies, (I like them a lot!) but I would love to be able to wear my t-shirt anywhere without offending someone or inconveniencing myself. These six icons in white. 3) Top text would read "JUNE JUNKIES-2014" in white. 4) Bottom text would read "Temptation CANCUN" in white. Also, Lucinda and I really like the orange T for CCC! To refer to the April shirt: April Addicts Temptation 2014 | Teespring Just our thoughts. Would love to see a consensus formed early enough that we can take delivery prior to all of our departure dates!:clappyinghappy::daveandmo:
I love the logo idea, but orange is by far not my favorite color in a T-shirt. I personally would like to see something bright! Neon orange if we go with orange. Neon is making a flashback from the 80s. Orange, green, yellow! We would definitely be noticed. Not even sure if it is an option. Just my thoughts Dawn
April's T-shirt comes in 3 color choices: Red, black and orange. The website has an array of colors available, perhaps 15. Number of color choices is probably a price variable when contracting the shirts. Given the time we have, we (as a group) could probably select our own 3 color choices?! Glad ya'll had an enjoyable ski week!