I been seeing alot of posts about worries about being approached by swingers. Everyone acts like swingers are a disease or something. Swingers are just everyday people, Doctors, Lawyers, secretaries, Teachers, labourers, Police and Firemen, every walk of life. You meet them everyday shopping, working. They do not attack or harm you. They just enjoy the pleasures of life in a different light then you. If you are not into the lifestyle you will not have to worry. If you are approached which is rare think of it as a compliment, as you still have the Looks to attract people.If you are not interested, just say so politely, does not mean you can't still party with them.
Yeah, we've seen a few of these kinds of posts and trip reports lately. It's rather presumptuous to think you are so smoking hot that those terrible swinger people won't be able to resist putting their hands on you.
The first time we considered going we had a few concerns. How silly that turned out to be. Heading back next week for visit number 10. Relax...you will have a great time and party with awesome people from all walks of life.
Hell I'm considering making a t-shirt that reads... "What? Not good enough for you?!?!" :aktion069: that and timeshare sales. They really won't take you in the back and give you the pointy end of a broom to coerce you lol!
We are amazed at the comments that people make on the travel sites. I mean really the people that are making these comments have no idea about our lifestyle. What we have observed throughout our vacations at TTR is that the people who are putting there hands on you are not the swingers but the stupid drunk people that have no class. I have never had to tell a swingers guy or couple to lay off Tina because they were getting to touchy. Its the idiot that gets drunk and thinks because they are in an "adult resort" they have the right to touch her in anyway. In fact we feel because true lifestyle people understand the rules of engagement non swingers should not be worried about us approaching or doing anything inappropriate to you. I completely agree anyone who hasn't been at TTR and makes a presumed judgement on the "swinger lifestyle" has no idea what they are talking about.
It really is funny reading some of the reviews. Some people make it sound like it's either a leper colony, or a den of sin with nothing but elderly perverts running around naked and having....(GASP)....illicit fun! LOL! We love TTR, and hope the "atmosphere" doesnt change. All we want to see change is the prices stop going up faster than gasoline!
We have seen the posts too and when asked by friends what it is like. We describe it as spring break for adults.
for my own entertainment I think I'll start telling people its like a giant snake ball. You check in get naked and jump into the pile. When its time to go home you get pushed out.
Wait, what?! Not every swinger is a sexual predator? Truth is, those within the lifestyle are some of the most fun, open-minded, and non-judgemental people you'll ever meet.