A woman from downtown Toronto, who was a tree hugger, a card carrying Liberal , and a highly vocal anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland near Bancroft On. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to a local ER in Bancroft to see a doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist, a Liberal, and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go wait in the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?" He smiled and then told her, "Well, I had to get permits from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ontario Planning Board before I could remove old-growth timber from a "recreational area" so close to a waste treatment facility. I'm sorry, but due to Ontario's health care policies and cutbacks, they turned you down!"
Someone said something like 50 more days... well I looked at the calendar and if we cut out weekends... 33 more work days.. ahhh that sounds much better for me..
That doesn't make sense Woody...it like 7 or 8 more Saturdays unless your going next year...LOL Right... everyday is Saturday for Woody....LOL
Ok Ok time is up almost one month before seen beautiful people Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Resort themes are in red Cancuncare are in black April 1 Naughty School Girl/kilt or nerd Night. April 2 Sexy Black Dress/Fetish April 3 lingerie Night (resort theme) April 4 White (Resort Theme Foam Party)/ Glow Night- (bring your)glow stuff April 5 Red Night(resort theme) Boobs Cruise. April 6 White Men's Dress Shirt Night. (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 7 911 Night Naughty Nurse/Cops/ Fireman/Emergency workers. April 8 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night Boobs Cruise April 9 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 10 lingerie Night(resort theme) April 11 White( Resort Theme Foam Party)/Glow Night bring your glow stuff. Boobs Cruise April 12 Red Night (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts April 13 White Men's Dress Shirt Night (one button rule)Ladies in the shirts/no pants April 14 911 - Naughty nurse/Cop/Fireman/Emergency worker. Boobs Cruise April 15 Sexy School Girl/Kilt or Nerd Night. April 16 Sexy Black Dress Night/ Fetish April 17 lingerie Night(resort theme)Boobs Cruise April 18 White (Resort Theme Foam Party) Night/Glow bring your glow stuff. April 19 Red Night (resort theme) red dresses/red mens shirts. April 20 Easter Bunny Rave Night Boobs Crusie Bring your best bunny outfit (resort theme) April 21 White Men's Dress Shirt Night- Ladies in the shirts/no pants. April 22 Sexy School Girl Night Boobs Cruise April 23 Sexy Black Dress Night/Fetish April 24 Lingerie Night (resort theme) Boobs Cruise April 25 White Night (Resort Theme Foam party)/Glow CCC bring your glow stuff April 26 Red Night red dress/ red men's shirts. Boobs Cruise April 27 Animal Hunter/Hunted- animal print anything. April 28 Rave Night- fluffies,skirts sets, tutus, color,LED shirts, LED glasses Boobs Cruise April 29 Sexy School Girl Night/Kilt or Nerd. April 30 White Dress Shirt (one button rule) Ladies in the shirts/No pants. Boobs Cruise Boob crusie and Foam Nights added to the list.