Between this cold winter weather and the sorry ky wildcats basketball team im about to go nuts and so need june to get here so we can all forget evetything and party and just let it all hangout.
Hard to believe we're 19 days away from Spring, since it's -4 here in Omaha. We haven't gotten slammed with very much snow...just cold temps and lots of bitter freezing wind. Even the recent storm was supposed to give us 8 inches...we barely got a dusting. But...we're excited! The June Roll Call sticky is published, we have plane tickets and reservations, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
It was mid 80's yesterday. Today it is mid 20's and I am watching sleet change over to snow. I think Mother Nature really needs to get back on her meds.....:icon_mrgreen: Everyday is a day closer to June. :aetsch004::clappyinghappy:
Im hoping for alot of sunny spring days on the lake so we are tanned out good when june arrives but im starting to wonder if we dont have winter right up in april.
6 days until daylight savings, 19 until spring and 101 until TTR!!!!! My friggin life has become a big count down!!
So quick question from reviews that I keep reading regarding the Sexy Pool, are chairs that hard to come by in June as well? Is the hotel usually full to capacity in June or is it busier in January and February and that is why the chair thing is an issue? Thanks.
My opinion chairs are such a silly topic to talk about! If they are that important go down at 6-7 am. I did that several times We were there 2 weeks last June. No issue whatsoever. Now if you show up at like noon everyday maybe but who cares don't even barely use them. ~~Don Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk