•• Hi, we have themes parties every Tuesday (Black & White), Wednesday (Festish Night) and Friday (The Coyote Night). You can also check this link for more information, either for times and for the dress code. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.617222188331246.1073741838.514290661957733&type=3 If you still need more info, please do not hesitate and contact us. ツ
How is participation for theme nights?? Any March 7 people dressing? We will do black and white dress, but doubtful my wife would be one of a handful of ladies in lingerie. Maybe she'll do a bustier tho...
Valentina, that looks like a nice sign showing a topless area. The swim up Bar has a lot of "white space" above the seating area for a nice sign saying "No Pictures of Topless Women without Permission" or something like that.. Any chance that is in the future?
how late do the bars stay open and when is last call for alcohol??????...snacks,eg burgers,fries salads ect,,,