I booked through a referral week so I have to do the timeshare thing. With that being said; I'd use the mistress excuse but I am pretty sure that we need to be married in order for our friends to get the $250 credit. I think the other option is telling them that we are legally separated and contemplating divorce. We are using this vacation as a last ditch effort to save the marriage and in no way shape or form will be buying a timeshare together at this time. My thinking is that if we make them super uncomfortable with our personal situation, we might get out of there a little easier.
Yup, they do get a credit but I'm not sure how much. Again we'll listen but I'm like one of the other posters - I will sign nothing until I've had time to sit down and study all the paperwork, and that will certainly not be while we are in Mexico
It can be if you shop around, we decided to give the referral thing a try to check out the Premier "perks" as well as get a little credit for our friends. Who knows, maybe we'll like it enough to sign up. I doubt it, but we'll be open minded about it.
Just let them know that due to an illness, this may be your last trip.....ever! You may get some perks that way also.
This is our 9th trip. The first trip we thought we were experts as we have been "sucked in" other times at different resorts. :headbanger:When they took us over to "the desk" they said they wanted to arrange "a tour". We were very clear we didn't want to have anything to do with a timeshare. :aktion051: She assured us it wasn't but soon to find out they are ALWAYS looking at a new angle to SUCK YOU in and they did! :angrymad: Don't fall for anything! and if that isn't bad enough, our last trip we went on a friends premier not referral and they told us they wanted to let us know about some "new changes" and updates at the resort only to find out.........up the magical stairs to the SALES room.:banghead::banghead::banghead: Avoid the desk behind you when you are at the check in desk. And for god sake if they ask if you have been there before say YES! Don't let them know it's your first time. The bell boy will show you to your room and any other info or ask any other guests. Don't fall for any welcome gifts or packages either.
Tell them you are from the UK! It's too far to fly more than once a year.They never bother us after that!:uk1:
This will be our first trip to temptations. Michelle and I have discussed this topic. We decided we will take the tour if they agree upfront to upgrade us to a Temptation Suite for our stay. So we shall see. No way in hell I'm dropping 40k on a impulse purchase.