Ok so we are headed off for some fun times in late March and it seems the biggest complaint is that of the time share sales pitch. Any ideas on how to avoid doing this. Thanks
Take off your rings and let the time share shark know that you are there with your mistress/secretary, not your wife. End of sales pitch.
What time are you do in at? If I remember I can run to the front desk and act like I've been waiting for you to arrive and whisk you away to the pool! I've heard that trick works! D
Just tell them no.. Say you've been to the resort many time, you don't need a tour,you're happy with the experiences you've had at the resort and politely walk away...
The other option is to participate and be prepared to say no. We got a bunch of "gimme's" out of the hour or so that it took. The most valuable to us was the sensual couples massage for $80 (normally around $280). We had originally felt like you and we're going to skip it, but on the way down we talked about and thought it wouldn't hurt. But our circumstance may be different. We got there early, our room wasn't ready, so we had some time to kill. So I would negotiate your gimme's up front. The sensual couples massage is pretty good if you've never done it. You could probably talk them down to a free one, but the sell might be harder. I'll tell you right now, it's pretty easy to say no when they hit you with $39,900 cost spread out over 5 years. They include what they call a legal fee. We told them we don't sign any contract without our attorney reviewing it and making recommendations. So to help you say no, just tell them you refuse to sign anything without first sending it go your attorney and mulling it over for a few days. I've already written a novel here, but I would also comment that based on whether you wanted into the program or not, you could negotiate the price. For those that use it, it's actually not a bad program, but we don't vacation enough to get enough return on it. When we told them that, they began lowering the price, but they also took some of the benefits away. Or, you can just simply say no up front and head over to the sexy pool.
Its really simple. Do what I do and did last week when we checked in. During the check in process and the Time Share wanna be shark in lurking around, turn around and say no thank I am not interested in the time share pitch and the person says why not, I say because I said so and this is my 5th trip here. Then they ask for you last name and I say look it up and leave us alone, we're here for vacation. End of time share people
When we went at the end of January this year the girl that grabbed us was a Jenny I believe. They wouldn't tell us about the new reservation system at check-in (little did we know the directions were in the room). We told Jenny we were there last year and the membership is not for us. She said ok let me tell you what changed. Told us about the reservation system and she marked our name off the list. Took all of 5 minutes. Didn't get a call or note under the door or anything. However, we did get stopped by the "vultures" every time we walked through that lobby. Jenny was not bad. She usually just said hi. But there was another guy that was really bad, even followed us outside the hotel. I always just said we heard the pitch and it is not for us.
I don't want or need "Gimme's" in an exchange for my time on vacation ! No negotiating !!!! My time with my CC friends is "priceless" vs. a free massage or mug !!!!
Good info I cant wait gonna take wifes ring and say she is my mistriss lol hey a guy can have fun with that