I must say this site makes TTR seem so close... It builds up the trip so much and the best part there is no let down cause each trip truly gets better and better!! (Even though looks like my brother can't make it this year but that won't stop the fun sorry JOHNBOY)---Don
Paul and I love wearing costumes! I can't wait to start shopping! I hope we get to go on the Boobs Cruise! It looks and sounds like a blast. I'll bring my Go Girl for peeing off the back of the boat. Jen & Paul
Can't wait for the pimp and ho day!!! Jeff bought me a gold snake skin print crystal back bikini from Malibu strings! It's gorgeous!!! I bought some really cool pimp hats and bling!!! Can't wait to see everyone! Ang.
Looks like we will not be able to make it after all this year. Our daughter and 3 grandsons have moved in with us, so there goes the vacation money for this year. Hopefully we can make it 2015!
Alright folks. I'm tricking up the spreadsheet some more. The email list is getting extensive and Yahoo! Mail is driving me nuts with contacts being randomly deleted. So, I have received the okay from Steve to create an off-shoot website to post our info. It will not be an alternative to Cancuncare, but simply a place where you can view and print the guest list, themes, and what-not. In doing so, I'm eliminating the need for an email address or hometown. The only items of personal info that will be posted are your Cancuncare username, first names, picture and dates for your visit. I am currently working on throwing something together. It won't be extensive but if proves useful, I will put some more work into it and PERHAPS a tiny bit of money into it. Once I have it up and running, I'll post the link in this thread, the roll call thread and the group page. Other than this change, everything else stays the same. If you were on the list last year, I'll automatically put you on the site. Otherwise, I will not automatically put new people on the list - I will ask that you give me the permission to do so as I don't want anyone to feel like their privacy has been invaded. If you want out or if you're new and want in, just send me a PM. Whew...