Also I think tshirts are technically allowed in all restaurants but most guys wear a collared shirt and they might nix a ratty Tshirt at the Italian and Japanese.
my go to on a daily basis are hanes vnecks from walmart or wherever. a pack of like 5 for $20 bucks. they are super comfy and keep u looking gonna get some new white and black ones to use for dinners while we are there if i dont feel like throwing on a buttondown
Play a little gag on him. buy him a collared shirt, and arrange a bunch of the girls to come up him over the course of the night and compliment him on how he looks. By about the third, he'll start getting the joke. By about the 10th, he'll start getting the hint.
Good luck, Roxie. It's better to buy him boxers and pack them than for him to get blocked from Nice Shoes. Once he gets to TTR I bet he'll want to wear stuff he never imagined he would wear anywhere else. At least that's most people's experience.
I got hubby some sexy black (short leg) boxer briefs for lingerie night. He has some plain v-neck t-shirts for whatever. I got him a couple wife beater tanks if he wants to coverup out of the sun....other then that just cargo shorts and a couple nicer but casual button down 'dinner' shirts. I don't know what he has in long pants (that are not jeans) we might have to grab a pair of khaki's or something. **please note this is our first trip so I am by no means an expert...its just what we have packed**
I (Mr.) wore khaki pants and dress shoes (nothing fancy, just not tennis shoes) and a polo to the nice restaurants. To the lingerie night show, I wore boxers and a polo I think. They actually let the guys in with shirts on. They actually let us take off our jeans at the door and leave them just outside Nice Shoes.
It's ridiculous to expect our ladies to wear lingerie if the guys aren't even expected to remove their shirts. Undies only or you simply don't get in should be the rule.