We'll have to introduce our wives, she's hoping to meet some friends for some girl/girl fun after a few drinks too! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Did I read somewhere that CCC members are encouraged to meet at 4pm at the sunny end of the sexy pool to meet others and share a hug & a spilled drink, but now I can't find it. Is this correct? Thanks.
I have seen "high noon" and 4. Guessing anytime your at the sexy pool during the day then that location might be a great place to start looking for cancuncare friends. At least that is our plan!
From the 8th till the 15th we will be all over that stone area like school kids on vacation 26 hours 20 minutes!
What's going to be hysterical is that the circle stone area by Diego's will probably be completely taken over by some milquetoast group at 9 AM every morning completely crowding out the CCC group and won't appreciate the loud, boisterous people that keep trying to horn in, get them to do shots, take their tops off & release the puppies, squirt AIWC on their bits & pieces, and all the other crazy stuff we do!
Alright people, I've been trying to find all of you that will significantly overlap with our visit, or who will be on the BC with us. Unfortunately, our BC is the day before we depart the resort, so I'm certain we'll be making friends on the boat that we'll hate to leave. Here's where I need your help. If you too are looking to meet friends to hang out with and drink a little and enjoy the sun and fun, and you notice that your dates overlap with ours, click our profile, and send us a friend request. The more I look at the boards, the more people I'm noticing that I've missed. Help us out and send us a message or friend request so we can get the pre-party started a little early! If there is anyone reading this and wondering if there is something to read between the lines, no there isn't. We're just looking for a few friends to enjoy Mexico with! In other words, None of this :bj: or :3some: Just lots of this :huepfen021: :ernaehrung015: :aetsch004: :daveandmo: :ernaehrung005: & :lotsofmichaelfs:
I completely understand. If you insist I will leave my PAC Man outfit at home. JK. looking forward to meeting you two and going on BC on 22!
Well I hope your kidding. I'd like to see you in a PAC Man outfit at the sexy pool! Now that would be funny! :aktion030::aktion030: See you in less than two weeks!
NnJ and Kevin_Ailsha, We may not be on the same BC, but we are very confident that we are going to have one hell of a time! Little over a week to go! Sun, boobs, and booze! Doesn't matter the order, only matters that it is not work, kids, and SNOW!