It was easy even with my job, it was fun to. The ability to do thing in custom that you would never do at work. That's just part of TTC fun I think.
Curtis will be a superhero. Not sure yet if I will be a superhero or a very naughty nurse! Curtis does have a very very naughty fireman costume, but I doubt he will go there in front of others! LOL
I like the fireman idea but Jeff complains they pants are too hot! I should make him go as a nun! thinking of basketball player and sexy cheerleader. Oh I can't wait for June!
The firemen uniform I have does not have pants. It is more like underwear with suspenders. It is one that is way out of my comfort zone. LOL So I will probably stick with the superhero. Curtis
Wow, lots of posts in the last day or so...just catching up. For uniform night, I guess the best way is to leave it kind of wide open. That way, you can do superhero, cop, naughty nurse, military, etc. Everyone has lots of options. Also good to hear Expedia is one of the most affordable ways to book the trip. We've been pricing things and looking at dates, and so far Expedia's estimates have come out best.