Had my theme night preshow last night too. Lucky Man here! Can't wait to come hang out with you all on the 18th. Will be there ~3 so we have some catching up to do!
The Mrs has an outfit for every theme night as well as a different bikini for each day... I'm betting you'll only see the bottoms though, what there is of them!
Been out shopping last weekend for some sexy outfits (for the wife), looking forward to showing her/them off Feb 16 - 26th!
We will certainly be participating in most nights, just been out shopping with the wife and picked up new lingerie and dress for red night and white night. :mnm:
We often get a couple of bottles of our favorites at the airport's duty free shop. I know it kind of defeats the purpose of the AI resort in a way, but I really prefer great whisky to cheap whisky, and the wife likes a really good vodka. All in all, it doesn't raise the cost much, plus with the Bubbas that most of us use, it isn't really much of an inconvenience.