I've been to Wisconsin!!!! to sleep, because we had a show Minnesota! I about 2 hours from Syracuse,N-Y and 6 hours from New-york! Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Either it was a firm handshake or you got a junk grab, lol. We Canadians like to shock people but politely
Always have a great time with our Canadian friends at TTR! No major differences in lifestyles really. Other than we are from The Republic of Texas, and we say things like y'all, fixin, reckon, caddywompus, and yes maam, and love guns, football, mexican food and Bar-B-Q as much as we love our children......Other than that, no real differences. :headbanger:
We realized how "arrogant" we USA Americans were in 2012 when my wife broke her hand at TTR and the resort sent us to a hospital called AMERIMED. We assumed it was American owned, but several folks complained that American wasn't the only country in North America. We shouldn't have assumed anything !!! HUH??? I did enjoy one guys response was that "if your riding around in Texas and see a hospital called "Meximed", you would assume its owned by Mexicans."
I have met some of the nicest people from Canada. I'm from way north in the US so I like it when I'm not the only one that says it was warm when we left 22 degrees. I also find when I'm in a different country don't expect everything to be like it at home, respect respect.