We waited a little too long to decide...and Jamie schedules out 6 months ahead at work. We are seriously bummed and jealous of the two of you and the McKellers who are less than a month away from the fun!
Not sure where your going but I love my American friends at TTR. I have never had a American not talk to me cause I was Canadian. I dance up on them, they dance up on me. Seems like you need to go to and find out for yourself. I really don't believe that American's think less of us. We are fanstatic party to be around after all. Just a pic here to share the Cancuncare Calgary Stampede Party in July. That's just the beer, there was a table full of bottles too.
Ours will be safe next week with highs around _-18 The ice is getting thick on the river , making it hard to retrieve water for washing and cooking.
Beer Ok k-passa I'd love to sit and drink a few with ya !!! Just so we meet!! Personally crown royal isn't my thing but have you tried wiser deluxe ?? It's smooth:lotsofmichaelfs:
Water Hey Donald I could rig you up with a new invention called a water pump !!!!lol Being a plumbing contractor it's one of my specialities :mnm:
Well to deal with alot of people from US! Sometime they are piss at us because they don't understand our french! But I don't have any issue When I'm at TTR Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
well to live about 30 min driving from Donald the water pump will be of coarse frozing ! Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk