Okay, even though I don't quite get this I am going to try it this year. Maybe I'll feel sexier than I think I will!
Glow in the dark Bracelets Just receive today =D I'll need to return the necklace they are wayyy to big for my suitcase !
I've got as well 5 brand new bikini ( 2 from Berrydog, 3 from hotsalewear.. ( 4, but one the top is too small .. so I'll just bring the bottom. ) I have 2 new costumes from hot sale wear. 3 new dress ( 2 from yandy via steve link ) and the other one on Hot sale wear. I have 1 new swimming suit from Amazon. And my school girl will show here soon ( I Hope ) and I'm still waiting for 2 outfit for lingerie night.. And I forgot, Also a Brand new from Berry dog... Oh Geez.. This april will be hot. Here's few pictures Of what I have Can Give you idea This one in orange ( for Boobs Cruise ) And lighter Green ( Took it on Hot sale wear. was less expensive. ) This dress in white for White night ( Glow stick as well ) . and I don't care to scrap in into the foam. My Cops Outfit bikini from Berry dog See you around the sexy pool. 84 days and Counting
themes Awesome work on all the themes! All of them will stimulate a release of hidden inhibitions and party throughout the night. Would appreciate clarification and/or examples of Rave night. Want to complete shopping while building excitement. It is a great way to survive the cold and snow.
Exaclty! If you want them! Let me know I'll give it to you for free! Will be more expensive to return them! Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Yep!!! what black men wear LOL! What man wear on that night ? I try to fogured it out Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk