There are pics of the deck in some people's albums...possibly Steve's as well. It is not on the pool deck so it doesn't affect the number of loungers on the pool deck.
As you can see it has been constructed on a raised platform on the beach, behind the sexy pool chairs, so does not take any loungers away from the pool, BUT it does impact on the number of non-member beds on the beach. :daisy: P.S. The blue bucket is probably not a permanent feature!
I grab one chair in the morning, and all that come to the pool late are welcome to put there stuff on my chair too. I hate being the chair bitch in the morning, drives me nuts but I am motivated to get up in the morning too, which means I get a work out in an extra bonus. It also means that I might get as little as 30 hours of sleep all week.
Members have a brand new raised section on the ocean side with their own bar. They can also get their rep/server to save them chairs in the morning. Being the towel bitch I am always at the pool at 6 am having my morning coffee and a nap in the chair. I have on too many occasions seen towels on chairs, and them not being used all day. They used to have a 6AM rule, anything before that gets removed. Last Oct it was a free for all. People would party till3 or 4am then put their t shirt or sandles on a chair , then not show up till3 pm. I have heard of people going on excursions and saving a chair for when they come back at 4 As mentioned above this has been discussed many times and I think the resort just doesn't want to get involved in policing pool loungers.Would require a staff member to intervene with customers. The 6 am rule before although not perfect, seemed too help a bit. They washed the deck in the morning and the chairs were pushed to the side' Personally I think 60 minutes and it should be gone at the least.
thank you very much ! that is a great photo ! that was not there last Feb ! So the members like it there or do they sit around the pool and have that area mostly vacant ?
Treat it as just a game and don't take it to heart, if you want beds by the pool and you are down for breakfast early chuck your towel or tee shirt on one, otherwise take your chance later on or make new friends with beds and share theirs, nobody minds sharing
chairs We have to agree with scorpion lovers on this topic!!!! Just ask the staff if they can find you a couple chairs and they walk out and remove the stuff for you . it is the resorts policy that loungers at the pool are first come first serve, also i believe that there are signs saying no chair reservations or something to that effect ..yes we all paid to be there and i plan on being comfortable around the sexy pool regardless:huh: Heres to having a great holliday and NO DRAMA!!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Can't say we saw the members area mostly vacant...really depended on the time of day. Some members prefer pool side as opposed to the deck.
There are a ton of seats on the premier deck. 2 rows. Here is a pic from the beach side of the new premier bar. You can see the 2 rows of premier chairs on the deck in the background. They do not fill up. We were on a premier referral and I loved this perk as it meant we didn't have to get up at 6 to reserve a chair. On previous trips we would get up at 6 to put a couple towels down. Go back and sleep until some point btwn 8 and 9. Go back to the chair, take a little break for breakfast and then back to the chair. We like to spend the late morning and early afternoon lounging in the sun before hitting the pool. Once we found someone in the chairs. We politely asked for them back. They complained a little about none being available but gave them back. This was at like 8:30-9 in the morning. Don't hate the player, hate the game.