We got a better deal with a girl from sellofvacations. 199.60/night. Best we've seen so it' s booked. We made up for it booking flights through aeroplan points for about 500.00 each in points.
nice deal for us was coming up to 2700$ total for both of us!!! that airfaire is a fortune from Ottawa ;( Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
We will be there march 29th - April 5th.... with 5 - 7 others!!!! so excited. seeing as there is a good size group, we've kinda arranged some theme nights. not too sure if there is anything planned just yet... still looking around! and here's hoping we get a boob cruise on Mar. 30th!!!!! Cheers y'all. Can't wait to meet y'all!!! Feb. 2013 - Desire Cabo Nov. 2012 - TTR Cancun Apr. 2012 - TTR Cabo Dec. 2012 - TTR Cabo