Okay. Just thought the difference in numbers might be because Trina imported the unofficial attendees into the official roll call. Oh well, we're still going
Donald, are you counting posts, not posters. Last year between Karen and Monique there was a fast flurry of posts. Heck it looked almost competitive. Add in mamabear and a few others, including yourself, and I think we had an avid bunch. People are also posting into other threads. Might have something to do with it. Real question is how are the number of guests on the list so far? Looks like a great bunch bunch not sure if it is a. It bunch, yet.
Actually ''replies'', but what got me looking into it was the low overall numbers. I know its earlier then last year but still a big slow down, again just an observation.The Theme nights thread is almost inactive. Good point on the frequent posters not competing this year , give em time lol. PS>>>before people make comments , yes I am staying at the GOV this year but plan on doing a night pass or 2 and Boobs Cruise, so I keeping an eye open to see which nights will be best.
Karen is definitely not coming this year, she's buying a house. Mommabear (Carol)? is also probably not coming, she's taking care of her Dad. We are coming, just getting finalize on hotel price, flights are booked 12-24th. Alot of people are watching and waiting for a good price. The prices suck this year and alot are trying the GOV. We are debating that ourselves but, I think I wanna stick to TTR for our whole trip. I don't think that many April Addicts have gone the way of the GOV at least the roll call is not showing big April numbers there. I think the high prices might change things.
Just booked the room, flights already booked so it's officially done now. April 12-24th and now I have bikini diet motivation.
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...me-nights-unofficial-april-addict-2014-a.html K April Addict time to speak now or forever hold your peace. Tell us what themes you want in the thread.