Totally agree! The pool water grosses me out to begin with, last thing I want is some lazy dudes piss in my mouth.....yuck!
Yes we do...its for the boobs cruze:flash::clappyinghappy::musik026: theres no Whip cream emoticon for the boob
The AIWC antics.....we may need to have bathing suits made from that stuff for when we get to Isla......
I'm hoping for a big year of invites! Lol. AND....I like to help out those who can't find it :elizabeth:
I'm with you. That stuff tastes nasty! Bring out some real whip cream, and I'd be all over it. (or it over me, depending on the circumstance lol):icon_biggrin:
I don't care for the taste of it either. On our cruise this year, someone brought a couple of cans of regular whipped cream.... taste so much better
A little over a month ago we may have bought and used the last can in our area. Been thru all the places that have had it and not one does now. Only one place still had it marked with a place on a shelf so we're still hoping. Possibly a very sad day in the land of beer and bars.