I went to 4 liqour stores on Long Island and New York City that I have seen or purchased AIWC and they all said the same thing. They stopped selling it a while ago because of quality control issues with the cans exploding. This is a serious problem. Anyone else heard of this. I found it on line at one of the links on the AIWC websites but when I called they said they must have forgotten to remove it from there. The searches came up empty at the other links on the cream and whipped lightning pages. HELP!!!!!!
NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! That's my only source of nutrients during the trip. You already had some cans previously bought though right?
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! - I previously said I got the jello mixes but had to go out and get the matching flavors of AIWC.
come to think of it, last year when hurricane sandy struck and I had no heat for 2 weeks, a can of AIWC exploded and I had to get more for last years trip. I guess they don't stand up well to cold weather.
I have a question about this... What is so special about the AIWC? I hear that it does not taste good, and certain flavors are known to stain suits, etc. Not that we need to be wearing suits in the first place. Why not just use regular old whip cream in a can? I mean, I know I don't just speak for myself when I say I drink plenty of other alcohol while there, and on the cruise. The alcohol at TTR is free. Why not just bring whip cream, which likely tastes better anyway? Just curious.
It's getting harder to find here, but I can still get raspberry and cherry. I have a couple cans and will pick up 3/4 more.
Whipahol...... Buy Wine, Liquor & Beer Online | Total Wine & More You had me scared. It is still on shelves out West. I use it as a nutritional supplement as well.