Them's sound like drinkin words. I have partners set up from all over the world! Bring it! :daveandmo:
Hmmm... ok, plan B. You are getting sleepy, when I snap my fingers you will not feel any apprehension or anxiety until you trip. (Snap)
I'm am actually kinda drunk right now so I'm only thinking about vacation even more. Started training a little late, but it is better late than never.
I was out on Friday night for a work thing, and picked up an awesome glow accessory. It's so 'glow' one of the bars we went in wouldn't let me in unless i took it off! I thought ''to hell with this, get me back to TTR where people will appreciate stuff like this''. Kinda know how Jesse felt with the towel thing, but on a much smaller scale, mind.
So my local bartender was so happy I was still alive after not showing up for a week that she's letting me borrow her favorite game for the trip. BATTLESHOTS anyone?