We are 23-3... Sam & I would like to propose a nerd/geek night, aka ComiCon comes to TTR! Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic book characters, geeks, nerds, anything like that! I think I might do some sort of batman costume... :aktion069:
Hello all, we think almost any idea for theme nights are good as long as plenty of people join in the fun. A simple idea that has worked before....shirt signing. Wear a white or light colored shirt, carry a sharpie with you, get as many people to sign your shirt as possible. Good fun and a shirt that will always put a smile on your face
Rave night is slot of skimpy layering of bikini tops with lace over lay, bootie shorts, or short skirts with tons of color and fur Clifford. See photos at the beginning of the thread. Rave is also glow bracelets, led t shirts for guys, wigs, spiked hair etc. 911 everyone dresses in firemen, police, or naughty nurse or doctors etc.