Where do you get bicycle patches? I need to plug up the beer pong table and couldn't find any at walmart. Would a hardware store have one? :huh:
cold pool Hate to be a "Debbie downer" but a post I read about the pool not being heated has got me a little worried. Was it headed last year for you guys? Will this cold water be unbearable??? Boo hoo thinking I might have to catch the boat on the 6 th too if we can't even get in the pool !!
It wasn't heated last year. I wouldn't worry about it all that much. Most times the weather is great. There are times though when it will get chilly or cool and can affect pool time. If it is cool you just have to take that initial dunk and keep drinking and all will be well with the world. As the years have progressed with the Chaos Crewe we've gone more from being in the pool to more partying all night type of group. The sun goes down around 4:30 when most will take naps or have other types of fun before dinner and the nights theme. It's not uncommon to have a group of people still laughing and drinking it up until 4 or 5 in the morning!
No worries. Just call me the soothing sooth-sayer. The best testament is how many people we have coming back year after year during the same time!
If the Chaos Crew is notorious for being up until 4 or 5am...what time do they usually roll out of bed?
Me, Denise, Mario, Craig, Claudio, Dianna and Rene will be there on the 29th too.....theres a couple more tables...:flagcanada: arrives
It's split into about two different camps. Half will be up early because that's the way their bodies are trained no matter what the circumstance. The other half of us roll out anywhere between 10 to noon. I'm usually in the latter camp because I've worked 3rd shift most my life but have recently been waking up earlier so have no idea how the dice will roll this year. Either way there will usually always be people around.