We are planning on it. We wanted to spend a half day hoping they would let us crash and scope it out but we don't want to pay for a pass so we might have to settle for the free tour lol
Great! Ill be waiting at the bar with a free drink awaiting your report! I was hoping someone from the group was going to make a go of it.
Interesting idea. More power in numbers. The more Cancuncare people that go check the place out, the more incentives that there may be to stay there.
Originally Posted by zurc Anyone planning on taking a tour of GOV during their trip this year? Sorry for my ignorance, what is the GOV ?
Grand Oasis Viva, new concept hotel to rival TTR? http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/28302-outcome-meeting-oasis-viva.html :daisy: