We have our owns opinion! My boyfriend went to Oasis Viva and said was a big disaster!!! i'm not argue with you! Every year the price of vacation always go up! You know how much it cost me right now to go at TTR about 4000$ for 10 days so 400$/ night!! which is insane! They have their own policy and seriously I've been to Oasis!! Not nice spending a 2000$ outside the hotel to eat and drink because everything close at 1am!! I'll be more happy to give it to the hotel!! and the staff wasn't friendly at all!! Like I said we have our own opinion, and both of us as the right to tell it! I may give a try but I don't want to lost a week there! And believe me you will pay for the Grand name! just go check the price for oasis sens and Grand oasis sens will see !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Steve, you and Jannet are the best! Thank you so much for all you do and for bringing us the info like no one else can. As far as questions to ask though I had thought up a few of our own. 1. What are the security policies? i.e.)... What is there to ensure that the age limit is adhered to? Why is there a charge for the safes? 2. Is there going to be topless optional in the nightclubs at night?(I am pretty sure this will be addressed in the "topless policy" subject) 3. night club discounts/groups? 4. Is there a secure location to put personal effect during the day around/near the pool(s)?
One question.... Can I get a comped day pass to check out the facilities during our 2 weeks there... Lol Not opposed to booking with them if its a good fit and they can give me a timeshare presentation ;-) Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk 4
1. Topless optional public jacuzzi? (My one serious question) 2. How is it possible to spend $2000 after 1am? (Sorry couldn't resist) 3. Where can I find the $400 a night TTR rate? (Couldn't resist again, but just want to be sure I stay away from that booking agent ) 4. Please ask them if their resort is just like a different resort from 3 years ago as some would like to assume it is. (Couldn't resist again, last one , will let it go )
Added another one about drinks quality/brands. Seeing a bit of overlap so starting to merge a few questions into others. Main thing is to get the talking points down and then take it from there.
also the drink and food hours and possible access to 24 hour service ( i.e.: charging for room service to bring you after hours bevies and food) This is usually not me, but I am curious as to if it will be free or as in the email I rec'd a $15.00 charge. The manager did mention in the email there would be a snack service added, which sounded like it was in the AI Program as of December when the full change over commences. what is a Snack Service Option? for after 1am and is it free Thanks Steve.
Water sports - what do they have? Kayaks, Hobie Cats? Quality of beach? Topless on the beach? In room safe - free or is there a charge? What types of rooms? jacuzzi, Suites? Maximum occupancy per room? 2, 3 or 4? Thanks Steve!