Temptation renovations Steve, is it true that temptations is going thru major renovations till April of 2014?
There's some discussion here: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/28205-future-ttr.html Please try to keep to relevant threads for questions, this thread is about the cruise on 8th November
Here's the list so far for the 8th. We're up to 30, we're confirmed to run. Plenty of room for more though FFC/WBA (2) jeff&joannie,ontario ca (2) DBLO57 (3) Hams (4) SandEjax (2) Stevel (2) Northern Exposure (2) marty&nikki (2) bemond11 (2) Lll (1) Aylmercouple (2) Olivia (2) GoBucks (4)
Come On...join the party, were up to 30 now, it looks like you'll be the Irish representatives !! It's got to be a good crac :aktion030:
It's a mighty craic when you get a fun group going We have done it last year and truly enjoyed the experience but this time we have only 3 days and our preference would be to do something we haven't done before... We love Chino and Omar so you must give them big hugs from us if we don't go.
Here's the list so far for the 8th. We're up to 36, we're confirmed to run. Plenty of room for more though FFC/WBA (2) jeff&joannie,ontario ca (2) DBLO57 (3) Hams (4) SandEjax (2) Stevel (2) Northern Exposure (2) marty&nikki (2) bemond11 (2) Lll (1) Aylmercouple (2) Olivia (2) GoBucks (4) Ryan and Stephanie (2) Chytown (4)
Here's the list so far for the 8th. We're up to 38, we're confirmed to run. Plenty of room for more though FFC/WBA (2) jeff&joannie,ontario ca (2) DBLO57 (3) Hams (4) SandEjax (2) Stevel (2) Northern Exposure (2) marty&nikki (2) bemond11 (2) Lll (1) Aylmercouple (2) Olivia (2) GoBucks (4) Ryan and Stephanie (2) Chytown (4) Kingneptune (2)