The Future of TTR

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by dynamite, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Ready2party

    Ready2party Original H&H Gangsta's Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    From what we read it is going all adult (21 and over) in December of this year.
  2. LionsNzebras

    LionsNzebras I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    +402 / 0
    Higher capacity? that sounds scary hehe.
    they will need a lot of upgrades to make that happen, its busy enough 90% of the time for sure.

    Ocean view room my a$$
  3. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    If TTR closes, I guess we will start going to Paradise Valley (North of Atlanta). No way my wife will return to Hedo. We went 3 times and several day passes and it just got worst (The food was pretty bad, no hot water, etc). But the REAL problem was when certain groups took over!!! Hedos Owner (Mr Issa) had a Desire to totally vacate Jamaica (He either thinks Jamaica owes China way toooo much $$$ or is convinced that Cuba is going to open up soon for US Tourism!!!).

    We were at Breezes Grand Negril last year and his VP just simply stated "Mr Boss wants out of Jamaica).

    Either way, he just simply pulled the "pin" off the map . He is keeping partial ownership in Hedo, but one of the new owners also owns the "fluffernutters" group (and a travel agency). Simply put, the changes are going to be something we aren't comfortable with !!!! We like sexy, but when the large groups take over Hedo its just plain out public SEX !!!
    To be honest you really can't appreciate TTR until you have been to Hedo!!! TTR is less $$$, closer to a nicer airport (CUN vs MBJ), the employees are a lot nicer and to be honest, the folks at TTR are just simply better looking. Might ruffle a few feathers, but its the plain truth.
  4. boogaloobboy

    boogaloobboy Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    It seems odd that they would spend money on the flooring at Patty O's and the painting being done on the 5000 block just to level the place, so that I am not buying.

    I also do not buy that they are making the resort larger, the dining areas and specifically the sexy pool are already "overcrowded" as it is whenever occupancy is over 70%. If you go when the resort is near capacity the limitations of the current bar/pool/dining setup become painfully apparent.

    That said the resort could use a major facelift, that would involve closing entire blocks and reworking things on a serious level in the rooms, not just painting and changing decor. Off the top of my head the should redo all the flooring in common areas and walkways with slip resistant tile, the HVAC in the rooms could use a reboot, and the higher end rooms (jacuzzi suites etc.) need some beefing up. None of this is doable without shutting down entire blocks at a time. And without dropping major coin.

    They did spend out the ass on Desire pearl though, and that place doesn't see near the occupancy levels Temptation does so I am encouraged. If they had instead pored that money into the actually profitable property we would all be thrilled.

    The harsh bottom line, as others before me have noted, is that the prices have been way to damn cheap and we have gotten spoiled. So when they go up, people want more. If they could turn the resort into a "true" 4* all inclusive experience to go along with the incredible people and atmosphere it would truly be the greatest vacation on earth. Hell it already is and the place is 3* in my book.

    If and when all this takes place we will have to pay more to visit. I am totally fine with paying more if I am getting a better room experience, better Jacuzzi, floors that are not treacherous as the bermuda triangle when its wet, etc. If they just paint and then expect me to pay another 100 bucks a night, I will be upset.

    This post has gone way to long, however I just want to put out that for those of us who are NOT "in the lifestyle" Temptation is basically a one of a kind resort. It is "sexy" without being tawdry. It allows you to do things you would never do at home in a public setting, but not have to see people doing things you would never WANT to do or see in a public setting. The lifestyle couple can go to Pearl, or DRM, or Hedo. Those of us who don't want to participate or view public sex or for that matter bottomless gents have our hands tied.
  5. boogaloobboy

    boogaloobboy Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Shoot me a PM about your experiences at Paradise Valley if you don't mind, haven't considered that option. The current trend at Hedo is outside of our comfort level as well, that property is certainly not moving in the right direction currently on many levels.

    Also I appreciate that someone else said the obvous about the crowd. My wife and I were staying in a Tampa hotel that was (unbeknownest to us) booked for a major SLS event that weekend. It was unfortunate to say the least. The hotel bar was perhaps the most uncomfortable I've ever been in a public setting. I go to buy a round of drinks and was hit on 4 times in less than 5 minutes in a fashion that made me feel sorry for every woman who has ever lived. Never experienced that at Temptation, we have been asked to "party" but only respectfully and in a fashion that made both of us feel like one of the "beatiful people". The take over Hedo crowds are quite simply the worst.
  6. Don&Olga

    Don&Olga Guru Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    One would think with all the premier members that they have they are not just gonna knock the hotel done and rebuild without getting some kind of back lash about it from the members. Like with any other business/corporation when they are ready to make an announcement that is when they will do it. Unfortunately the longer they wait and the more there are talks there is about them closing down to would also think it would effect the membership sales.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0
    ^^ Agreed. i imagine anyone going, researching, or considering buying into the timeshare seeing these rumors would definitely be turned off.
  8. midwestern

    midwestern Regular Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Grand Oasis Viva is very interesting, we will give it a shot.... TTR has been nothing but a fantastic time every time we have vacationed there, 2 or three times a year. My thought is the big dogs of TTR think people will pay anthing they put out there, take a look at their new pricing, good competition is what they have not had, but is way overdo.........
  9. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    we are totally convinced there are MAJOR changes coming to TTR from what we were told in July!
  10. midwestern

    midwestern Regular Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    The major change starts January 1st with a huge price increase!!!!!!
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