This time next week I will be rushing to pack stuff that I,m not going to wear, but will bring. Then I,ll be going crazy looking for last minute stuff. A good sleep, then TTR here I come.
Some are going to be rough try twenty different drinks in one day lol mixing is bad but I will sacrifice lol
I'll be doing them right with you guys. We will either "solve all the world's problems together" or be totally "fucked up" together. But I cannot wait either way. Challenge #5 still frightens me, but I am going to "get'er done" somehow. Don't even care about the prize, I just want to complete the first ever "Pleasure Challenge" with all the awesome people that will be there. Jim
My H&H tank is coming with US friends :-( the only pic I have I me from Feb trip (that I don't look totally drunk) is just of my ass lol.
Hey I am a little late to the party here but if you are still looking for lady volunteers I am in, sounds like fun!!!!