WooHoo! Glad you get to see me this year :mnm: I know you were going to be sad not getting to hang out with me for my return :aktion025: I'm only going for 7 days this year, but after missing last year I'm scared my liver can't keep up. I did attend 2 bachelor parties in Vegas this year though, so hopefully that training will help.
Fortunately, I had a September warm up trip, a 4 days boys weekend in Phoenix and heading to Billy's (Ironhorse) Halloween party next weekend for training.......that said, I'm still a lightweight drinker. Lol
I need to go to the party store for some more glow sticks. They have ones now that you can put on each finger. Like ginormous glow stick fingernails!! I'm going to see if the flame juggler guy wants to throw down!!!
Sue brought some glow in the dark body paint and did everyone up last year and it was a big hit so I hope she brings it again this year. The training is mainly for the drinking so I can do the raving! :aetsch004:
I may have missed this earlier on in the thread....does anyone bring a beer pong game? This is something I have watched and always wanted to try a game, or two or three!!!
Brother Travis has always brought it but since he couldn't last year I took up the torch. This year Justin is going to be the first one to bring one since he comes in first then myself and Trish and Don are going to bring one as well so your beer pong wishes will be satisfied. We'll probably have enough to do tournaments so start practicing now! :headbanger:
do not worry ..large supply of neon glow face & body paint ordered and delivered ... also lots of glitter lol received xx im ready for action.. let the games begin... we just need someone artistic to offer their services to paint people on animal night..:aetsch004:
We have a massive amount of glowsticks and I have fiber optic hair extensions too. I cannot wait to play with those. I can do leopard spots pretty well!