Hotties and Hellraisers Get TANK(ED) Tanks are coming to your doorstep! I've heard a few of you have already received them! Too cool! Any models?
20131007_170008.jpg Photo by Willyhaffecke | Photobucket Sorry...couldnt get it to post any other way on my phone.
Hotties and Hellraisers Get Tank(ED) Tanks Here's a pic of the ones I ordered for everybody outside the US! So is everyone getting a little more excited?
We booked USA Transfers last week and if these days would just go a little faster! TRIP 16 or 17 they are all a little blurry :ernaehrung015: COME ON OCT 29TH I NEED A VACATION....:huepfen013::cool014: :daveandmo::daveandmo: Debbie