Shopping.....................thought this was a party date (or am I missing something ??). I'm not the typical male that hates shopping but maybe I'm missing something. !!!. Oh just had a thought, maybe the booze runs out, need to replenish supplies.
There's a stop at a bar in the town on Isla Mujeres, so you'll need to cover the naughty bits for that part. Don't worry you don't have to go shopping lol
It's a great place to go get those souvenirs that you are suppose to buy! We try not to leave the resort so it was convenient - providing you are sober enough to walk and count pesos. lol Otherwise....just sit in the bar and drink more! They had a great band playing when we went and it was like we were all rock n roll stars! Have not seen videos of that..........DON'T WANT TO SEE VIDEOS OF THAT!
It's just a short one hour stop downtown, some people want to see the town. It's listed as shopping but it's basically free time to do what what you want. Some shop others have a wander about, many will go to a beachside bar for another beer. We sometimes take a quick poll on the boat and if no one is interested in stopping we'll just stay on the boat and continue the party