I don't see it as a problem. I don't know what you're talking about! obviously if it comes in pink it was created for me specifically. If you made me something and I didn't take it, wouldn't you be very sad? I don't want to make the duck people sad.
Um.. I guess I can't really argue with that logic. Guess I better go pick up a red elephant now since the red elephant people would really want me to have what was made for me.
I built a dungeon once for my old job, I bet I can guess! (wow, looking at this sentence after I write it and it does sound a little messed up!) :aktion061:
It wasnt a silence of the lambs it puts the lotion on the skin type of dungeon. More like the saftey word is bannana. This was during my bouncer days. Ive seen things that cant be unseen! :ernaehrung023: