The list that Donald had pasted and copied was not the latest and as a result did not have all the names on it. Which prompted a few people to send me a message to get them added. So I have taken this opportunity to update it with a few newcomers (bolded) and post the current list of the "peeps you will be partying with" on Halloween.
oops sorry, going through over 1000 post i must of skipped a page, too bad there no way of making it appear on the top of every page.
It"s ironic that I work at the airport & c planes take off everyday, but I,m not on them. But in 23 days I will be.
Peeps you will party with I am going to update the party list once more. I have had a couple requests from people wanting me to add their real first names. So if you would like me to add your first names, send me a message. Please note that there are several people who I know well, but if you haven't asked me to post them and your not using them in your own post, I will assume you would rather not have them mentioned and I will respect that. Jim
Jim, many thanks for all the work and info you have provided, compiling the list of people vacationing at Halloween.This is my 11th visit, but first at Halloween. I`m a April Addict regular :mnm: Looking forward to meeting you and Cheryl :daveandmo:
Oct 27- Nov 6 add our names Please add our names if you get the chance. Chris and Celia (CNC) Thanks for all your hard work. See everyone soon.... :huepfen013::huepfen013: :announce:Here we go Leadfoot going to be another great time.