Here is the reader's digest version Cards are being produced with 10 challenges listed on them. All the challenges are designed to be fun, daring, social but not "over the top". Each card is being sold for $5 and all the money collected will be put towards a prize for the winner. All fully completed cards should be returned no later then Nov. 2nd - 10 pm. A draw will be held and the winner will take all. Prize will likely to be something like a gift card toward TTR Spa treatment (ie sensual massage). It will be lots of fun - promise! Jim
Hello Hi, a newbie here trying to figure everything out Looking forward to our trip October 26 - Nov 1 (sadly have to leave early morning after the Halloween party)
Trying to get profile pic to post but no luck. When I go into my profile it shows up but not when I'm posting. Ideas?
Welcome,, look for the CC members a lot of us/them have Orange bracelets, signifying they'er on this site. try to get a pic so we will know who you are,s