Hey Everyone, I am planning a group trip for about 15 people in June of next year. Mostly singles. A couple swing friendly people as well. I did GP for the group this last June and it was awesome, but we want a more party atmosphere and think TTR will be where its at. My only concern was the whole premium vs regular guests. Does it really make a difference and are people who don't upgrade really at a disadvantage? I liked the no reservations everyone is equal at GP a lot. Just concerned that wouldn't be the same here and don't want those who can't or don't want to upgrade to feel like they are missing out. Any advise would be greatly appreciated! XOXO SouthernMiss
we agree........ Premium vs regular is no big deal at all.. Premium is the purchase of a time share.........so not just a simple upgrade. Although......we we're offered premium memberships if we booked twice through the resort......
Glad to hear that! So maybe I am confused with what ive read. Ive read that there is premium/gold level stays vs just the regular stay. You pay extra to be "gold" and get a red vs white wrist band basically. Is this incorrect?
Incorrect. As a premier member you get perks and pay up front for future stays, kind of like a time share. It should not be a factor in your decision. I would bet your group would hardly notice.
Ok great! Thanks so much everyone! I know its a long time away, but trying to get these little issues ironed out so we can start planning other more important things like clothes! =)
Clothes? Nah....................worry yourself with if your bathing suit bottom is "small enough"......... Tehe!
We have been a few times as a Premier guest and it makes no difference to our stay. There are some Premier only areas, but they are usually quiet and I prefer to be with the crowd.