Go and enjoy, but you'll understand once you go on one, what happens on Boobs Cruise stays on Boobs Cruise!
I'll never forget our first time @ Desire. We were having dinner with another couple......and 80' from us there were 2 couples engaging in their own (not judging, just describing) idea of evening fun. More power to 'em. I can change seats, if I don't like the vista. The problem (in my mind) occurs.....when I can't change the vista. We are (as the Halloween crowd will soon discover ) FAaaaarrr from being prudish. But, there's a line that (in my opinion) CAN be crossed in these situations. I'll leave it at this.............just because you can do something, that doesn't mean you should. I'm ALL for any and everyone living out their fantasies as they see fit. Rock on! But, when said fantasy involves me (by default), I'm not so gung-ho. If you're a Justin Bieber fan, and he's playing in Patty-O's.....I can choose to be a spectator or not. But, if you drag him on the crusie boat, you've taken that choice from me. I'm a captive. Would my wife and I be offended? High probability we wouldn't......as long as: 1. The participants were hot enough to capture our attention or 2. It was something we could (fairly easily) avoid. Have we been involved in such? Damn right! But, it's always been in areas where no one was a captive audience. There's a difference (IMO). p.s. - the prosthesis thing is just hilarious. I'd pay $2 to watch two goats boink (with enough alcohol in me). I might pay $3 to see a prosthesis party
My wife and I have been to both Hedos.......and Desire (10X or so). Correlating, you could say we've been to a few Bieber concerts . We knew he'd be playing. But, we also knew there were places to go where we wouldn't have to hear him. If the Boobs Cruise is touted as such..........everyone goes in with eyes wide open. If the former is true......I agree with you 100%. I don't personally care what any couple, threesome.....foursome or moresome does. I just don't want to have to step over them to instruct Matilda on how to prepare my omelet. Between those two scenarios lies an area otherwise knowns as "tact". BTW.....Viva Canada! Our best friends are traveling with us....who live in Ontario. As a hunter, Sask. is a dream of mine.