Ruthless, you're "first night arrival party" coincides with my "last night going away party"... tee hee let's celebrate!! artytime:
Remember that this board is just a small fraction of who is actually there! Last year and the year before I barely saw any singles going when I was there and both times there were lots of single ladies! Also I'm arriving the day you depart (9-13). I'll continue the party for ya!
Sounds great! sorry we will only have one night. But will be fun just the same then Boobs Cruise the next day for me ;-)
September Single Hi. All! I will be travelling to Temptation resort as a single sometime during the last 2 weeks in September (have some flexibility then). Never been there before. Any other singles going then? Would love to have someone to join me at the dinner table. Eating alone is terrible!
Hello stranger, you are going again. Loved it last year, great crowd. I have provisionally penciled in Dec 01 - Dec 14. Waiting on my mate to confirm, different mate to last year, otherwise I will be in the singles club. So look forward to catching up
Yeah, that's my thing too. prefer not to dine alone. singles there Sept. 11-19 feel free to grab Spicy for a bite please :crab: