Believe it or not I didn't get to many messages about them. Now that we have a 100+ Hotties and Hellraisers in the group and its getting closer more might want them. I'll put it up again and a link to! October is looking to be killer!
Hello my TTR friends, I'm coming 2 TTR with Craig G on Oct 26th- Nov 4th. This will b our 5th trip. I'm looking 4 some ladies 2 break me out of my cocoon, & shape me into a wild butterfly. I chose the nickname Babyblow, 2 start the craziness off. So ladies of the Hotties & Hellraiser family can I count on your HELP.
I've been away on holidays for what seems like forever! (humblebrag noted). So what have I missed? Two months out, time to start getting pumped up!
Well I guess I'll stop lurking and add us to the festivities list :-D. We will be there Oct 28th-Nov4th.
Glad you decided to finally come out - lol. Welcome to the party, Ill get you added. Is this your First trip
This is my 4th and her 3rd time to TTR. Pretty much counting the days at this point. I better start working on my costume. Hers came in the mail yesterday. Women are so damn organized. Its sickening
Update! It would be interesting to know what the record is for Cancuncare members on a given date. I believe we are about 155-165 :mnm: right now (or 80 rooms).