Update. Heathernsean Ange and Graeme Ace4me (Cheryl and bill) Ddcollins (Dan and Dana) Tony and Fay Loopywoz (Lou and warren) Spicy Mandz (megan and zeth) plus another couple Btw...I leave 2 weeks from today I hope they aren't really long weeks.
So sorry we'll miss it this year. We'll be 2 measely days too late! Seriously, how hard could it be to move the party to the 16th? Lol. Just kidding. But we would like to see what interesting gadgets will pop up on the screen when airport security xrays your luggage on the way home. :icon_eek:
Yep, looks like we're missing a fun, quiet get together with a group of like minded, shy, non-drinkers, just like us! :icon_twisted:
Ok... I'm taking suggestions for location. Someones's room (might have gotten a lil too many people for that) outdoor location where there is seating but not many people, the lil bar right next to nice shoes. And any other suggested locations. Time I would suggest after dinner and before night time entertainment. I know that's the pool party night but I don't remember the exact set up of how the pool party goes. 8:00 might be good for the time.
I do too. My good friend sells pure romance stuff and I won an awesome toy at her bday raffle party. It will make someone smile I already have something very similar to it. Remember everybody they need to be wrapped or in a gift sack to where you can't see what it is.
Is this kicking off with jello shots again?.....as my friends across the pond would say....8 sleeps to go