He doesn't. But because Noah and I have no idea who this group of 9 people are, and we know quite a few of the Labor Day Gang, we probably are just fearing the worst. Can't wait to have a drink with you Don!
As much as I like hanging with my TTR brothers. I really wouldn't like a sausage fest on a cruise. It will just mess up the whole atmosphere of the cruise. I don't want offend anyone but its called a Boobs Cruise for a reason. :flash:
Folks, please dont jump to conclusions. I'm not sure what might have made you think RobertD's group of 9 was all guys. Robert's group is 4 couples and one single girl, this will be their 4th cruise.
Sorry Steve, I figured it wasn't a group of guys, I was just curious. See you Friday! Its the next big game! (Lets see who gets this)
Yeah, I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work." - Peter Gibbons One of the best lines in the movie